30 September 2007

God's Love is communal

This past weekend I was asked to speak at our Life in the Spirit seminar. The subject of the talk was God's Love.

I rambled on mostly, but one item that struck a cord was God's Love being communal. We all know what God's Love can do to us personally, but what about the fact that what we do has an affect on others.

What I do, or don't do, affects others. What others do has an affect on me. Kind of like connecting the dots...for everyone.


I am an Introvert when I meet people but I have with an Overt passion for Christ. I try to Controvert those that try to Divert me from Christ. I Avert my eyes/ears/thoughts from the Covert insidiousness of sin, and I try to Invert any darkness into the light of Christ. I am truly a Convert