29 August 2007

God's Love

How do you explain it. He is with us when we are happy, and he is with us when we are in the darkest part of our lives. I had a friend tell me once that to truly feel God's love, we need to go to those really dark areas...the parts of our lives that we are afraid to be...again!

This is what I love about confession. We face God and admit our sins, mortal and venial. This is truly supernatural. We spend most of our lives in denial, afraid to admit that we are sinners. But in the confessional booth we face God, and admit our sins...then the most amazing thing happens...we get to here the words of God (for those of you that are not Catholic yet, the response from the priest is actually God speaking directly to us). To quote Rachel Ray "How Great is That"!

When I think of God's love, I think of how God brought my wife and I together and kept us together through all these years. Actually, the amazing part is that my wife is stayed with me through all these years. When I was growing up, there was probably one family in school that had parents that were divorced.

Today, it seems that divorce is the norm...and my wife are in our 25th year of marriage. I am truly blessed! I get to wake up every morning and my wife is right next to me...she is still there! WOW!!

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